Shimadzu G-4 Installation
Shimadzu G-4 Installation
UMG/ Del Medical X-Ray Systems
UMG/ Del Medical X-Ray Systems
UMG/ Del Medical X-Ray Systems
UMG/ Del Medical X-Ray Systems

Villa Diva-D System
DIVA-D is the new digital acquisition system from Villa Sistemi Medicali, designed to offer the highest performance in Radiographic/Fluoroscopic and Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) applications. DIVA-D has been designed with the aim to maximize the integration with Villa tables and generators to ensure the best image quality with minimum effort in every condition.
DIVA-D is available in two versions to comply with all your needs:
DIVA-D RF-12 with an acquisition speed of up to 12 frames/sec 1K x 1K is the best solution for Gastro-Intestinal, Urological and ERCP applications.
DIVA-D AS-25 features an acquisition speed of up to 25 frames/sec 1Kx1K and includes a Digital Subtraction Angiography package. This model is also equipped with Road-Mapping function and, if matched with the Apollo Remote Controlled Table, with an optional Stepping Angio package optimized for Peripheral Angiography.
All models operate in fluoroscopy at 25 frames/sec with 1024x1024 matrix, also in pulsed fluoro mode.
Key Features:
Dedicated programs for each application, including Digital Tomography
Fully automatic zero point technique allows for fine tuning of the system for each exam
Option to choose the region of interest for the exposure parameters adjustment